Make sure your child has a strong knowledge of the alphabets
This is the foundation of having a successful reader, and can determine how quickly your child begins reading. Review the alphabet daily, practice saying their sounds, and let them spend time writing their letters.
Read to your child

Make reading apart of their environment
Hang up posters of site words, or place review words on your fridge, and always encourage them,even when they are able to read more independently.
Load up on books
Keep a variety of books in your home that you and your family can enjoy. There are so many genres and types of books to rotate or read aloud with one another. This is especially great to do when they are able to read more independently.
Always make learning and reading fun
Be creative with the character's voices, get props for your story, just have fun. It's practically impossible to get kids interested in doing something if they're not having fun! Children are more willing to listen and try new things when having fun, this is always a opportunity for learning.
Give your child note cards
Note cards provide a simple and effective way to review new words, and learn to read short sentences. This can help younger children with word recognition, and they are also easy to use to quiz your child, and play learning games with.
Read to your child daily
Daily reading helps improve listening skills and literacy skills. Taking 20- 30 mins out of your day to read to your child helps prepare your child for kindergarten.
Pick up a book
Be the example you wish to see in your children. Showing your child the importance in reading is as simple as reading! Children may read at an early age, but their fascination for reading can quickly fade if not modeled in the home. Make a conscious effort for your children to see you reading a few minutes each day.
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